The current agenda applications, nominations, and staff reports are located here:


Spokane Historic Landmarks Commission Meeting

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

3:00 pm City Council Briefing Center (lower level of City Hall) and Hybrid


Click here to join virtually

HOLD for August Agenda – August 21, 2024

Draft Minutes – June 20, 2024


Public Hearing (3:00 pm)


Nominations (per SMC 17D.100.020):

A.  Hotel Collins – 701 W 2nd Avenue

    1. Hotel Collins SRHP FINAL
    2. Hold for Staff Report 
    3. Hold for PowerPoint


B.  The Fred & Winifred Wright House – 507 W 14th Avenue

    1. Fred & Winifred Wright House & Garage SRHP FINAL
    2. Hold for Staff Report 
    3. Hold for PowerPoint


C.  The Irwin & Olive Cooke House – 521 W 27th

    1. SRHP Cooke House & Garage MD Edit
    2. HOLD for Staff Report 
    3. HOLD for Nomination PowerPoint